Wednesday 10 December 2014

Traditional Food of Cambodia

National food of Cambodia is similar, and at the same time is completely different from the tradition of the neighboring countries. It is possible to claim that the Cambodians eat everything! And this is not an exaggeration - in the course of the national cousin here you can find fried with salt, pepper and garlic bugs and smaller-sized spiders, that are called "a-ping", fried grasshoppers and all sorts of bugs, raw meat of reptiles and their entrails, insect larvae and embryos of birds, sun-dried devil-fish and fried birds (these could be any, even sparrows ), bamboo sprouts and greens of the water lilies, sea mollusks and shells, all kinds of crops (rice, corn, yam, taro, ficus and etc.). The dishes in the food of Cambodia also feature many wild fruits and locally grown vegetables. Widely used and popular in the national cousin are pickled and fermented vegetables and fruits, which are collected for pickling at different stages of their growth, which give the final product a completely phenomenal taste.

                                                                                                                                       By Bomey Taing

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